Jumeirah Marsa Al Arab Hotel

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

7 Nights - 2 Adults
Ocean Deluxe Room, Breakfast

The price is based on 2 adults sharing an Ocean Deluxe Room on a bed and breakfast basis at the brand-new Jumeirah Marsa Al Arab. Flights are direct with Emirates and depart Dublin on 2 September 2025 for 7 nights (plus one night on the outbound flight). The price includes return private SUV airport transfers in Dubai.

Upgrade to Business Class flights from +£4520pp.

Offer code: 131666

Deposit €75pp

#JumeirahMarsaAlArab #Jumeirah #Dubai #Luxury

Departure Airport: Dublin, Ireland
Airline: Emirates

Travel: 02SEP25-10SEP25
Book by: 30APR25

From €3055pp

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